
Upload your own flight data CSV file:

CSV file format: your file can have as many columns as you like, just make sure you have a header row which defines at least the following columns: from (3 letter IATA airport code), to (3 letter IATA code), date (any format, only displayed as-is at the moment). Add a flight column providing the flight code if you also want links to external flight/route information. If you want to colour your flights according to purpose, add a personal and work column specifying boolean (true or false) values, both can be true for any given flight, in which case the distance travelled is split up for the calculation. For price calculation add a cost column of numeric values, for missed flight information add a missed column with true values for every missed flight.

* distances calculated are great-circle distances, i.e. the shortest possible distances between the two airports along the earth's surface. Your actual distance travelled (including delays and indirect flight paths) will on average be 9% higher than this value.

** CO2 calculation assumes 115g per passenger km (average emission for short international flights1, 2) and does not take into account either the average 9% distance increase for your actual flight path or the effects of radiative forcing (which increases your effective emissions by about a factor of two).